

 Black Angle Soft Privacy Notice Welcome to the Black Angle Soft (“Black Angle Soft”), displayed via the mobile application and online on the internet (together, the “Service”) owned by Black Angle Soft (“Black Angle Soft”). By signing this document when first accessing our Service, you actively consent to this Privacy Notice. Table of Contents INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE SHARING INFORMATION ADVERTISING AND AFFILIATE LINKS YOUR CHOICES REGARDING YOUR INFORMATION SECURITY AND STORAGE OF INFORMATION LINKS TO THIRD PARTY WEBSITES UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY NOTICE CONTACTING US LAST REVISION DATE INFORMATION WE COLLECT AND USE In general. If you did not withdraw your consent, we collect personal information from you in order to provide you with a personalized, useful and efficient experience, and also for advertising purposes. Even though, because of technical reasons, it is not possible to enter into the Terms of Use Agreement without consenting to the processing of your personal informat